Intercon Insights Blog
Teamwork: The Heartbeat of the Calgary Stampede
People talk about their Stampede experiences for months afterwards. Ultimately, the Calgary Stampede and its grandstand show vividly embody the spirit of teamwork and collaboration, demonstrating how collective efforts can elevate an experience beyond individual capabilities and exemplifies what can be achieved when people come together with a shared vision.
So, what can the infectious spirit of the Calgary Stampede teach us about teamwork, and how can we apply that in our work environments?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Customers
I’ve been doing a lot of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training lately, and I found that most of it focuses on workplace relationships. However, I believe that applying it with our customers in mind is essential for good customer service. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are, at least in part, about looking inward to find where our own unconscious biases are. DEI can be applied to shape how we treat customers as well as co-workers.
The Influence of Language on Perception and Engagement: Insights from an Answering Service
Language not only facilitates communication but also serves as a bridge for connection between individuals. By recognizing the impact of language on our perception and understanding, we can begin to appreciate the diversity of human experiences and the incredible role that language plays in shaping our interactions with the world.
Good Enough
We work hard so we can feel like we "deserve" to rest on weekends, days off or vacations. And even while on vacation, we work hard at enjoying ourselves and having fun. It can all be very exhausting. And when do we have time to REALLY rest? When we retire? How many of us are "running on fumes"?
TED:Ideas "5 Steps to Remove Yourself from Drama at Work"
Community leader Anastasia Penright gave this TED talk. Penright wanted to share some steps she had learned in dealing with workplace drama, to minimize and avoid it. She used various scenarios to illustrate her steps with hypothetical exchanges going on between coworkers.
TED:Ideas "The Key to Productivity is Tapping into your Flow State. Here's how."
Your flow state is when you feel completely at ease and lost in a task, leaving your sense of time and even identity behind. It was first described by psychology researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, where it is an optimum state often associated with professional athletic performances or professional musicians.
Video Review: How to Make Stress Your Friend
Stress makes your heart pound, your breath quicken, and your forehead sweat. Stress has been demonized a lot recently, but psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to look at the new research that shows how important our attitude towards stress really is for us.
Article Review: Self-doubt Can Actually Help You Bloom
Harnessing self-doubt starts with a concept called “self-efficacy,” or our confidence in our ability to set ourselves up for success. We can improve this through something we already do: self-talk, says writer Rich Karlgaard.
Pointers for Positive Thinking
Inevitably, there will be failures at times, but try to turn them into lessons to learn from. Think about what you’ll do the next time, even try to come up with concrete rules or guidelines from your experience. It is also important to remember to stay in the present moment. Not just the day or the hour, the exact moment.
Why Do We Answer Phones For A Living
It is an opportunity to have a vendor partner and outsource reception/control room functions to a professional award winning service. The telephone answering services of today are sophisticated, state of the art control rooms with highly skilled agents answering, handling and dispatching calls in a variety of ways.
TED:Ideas "5 Effective Exercises to Help You Stop Believing Your Unwanted Automatic Thoughts"
Most of us live with a constant stream of internal statements, criticisms and commands running through our heads. But we do have a choice. We don’t have to let them define us or our days, says psychology researcher Steven Hayes.
A Telephone Answering Service Practising Outcome Based Leadership
The benefits to your organization of a telephone answering service practicing outcome based leadership is that the staff willingly accept your feedback and work with the team to improve the data collection during your calls and update the process to better meet your needs on an ongoing basis.
Nutrition and Snacking Tips for Shift Workers
Proper nutrition is very important when you’ve got to spend long periods of time at an activity. You want to avoid peaks and troughs and instead maintain a steady rate of energy from your snacks and meals.
Intercon Messaging Receives National Award
Every bit of the success we’ve enjoyed at Intercon Messaging over the years has been down to the diligence and dedication of the people who work here. It’s as simple as this; our staff are at the core of everything we do. They are the heart and soul of our business.
What makes a good live call agent
There’s more to being a live call agent than simply picking up the phone. A skilled live call agent is a special kind of person who comes with a unique set of abilities and the right amount of training. In this blog hear from some of our front end staff on what goes into being a great live call agent.
Leadership in an Organization
Pat Vos, CEO Intercon Messaging talks about the importance of cultivating leaders in your organization. She discusses the differences between the tasks of a manager and the qualities of a leader. Intercon Messaging is a leadership organization that supports developing leaderships skills in the workplace.
I Want To Talk To Your Supervisor
This phrase said in a not so very pleasant manner is an indication that you have an unhappy customer on the other line that is probably calling about a service provided to them that they are not satisfied with. It can also be an experience with a previous agent that they are going to complain about. It can be anything. But one thing is for sure - that the customer is not happy.