TED:Ideas "5 Steps to Remove Yourself from Drama at Work"

Community leader Anastasia Penright gave this TED talk.  Penright wanted to share some steps she had learned in dealing with workplace drama, to minimize and avoid it.  She used various scenarios to illustrate her steps with hypothetical exchanges going on between coworkers.  Her first step was “Rewind & Reflect,” where you look back on dramatic situations carefully and analyze what you did with the goal of avoiding it in the future.  The next step was “Come Back to Reality”, where you try to avoid making assumptions about others or creating anxiety for yourself by overthinking.  Her third step was “Vent and Release,” where we establish a relationship with a friend with whom it’s safe to vent.  Step four was “Learn a New Language” where you pay attention to the communication styles and platforms a person most frequently uses and learn when voice is most appropriate.  Her final step was “Recognize and Protect,” where we must learn to recognize at what point to take a professional walk away from another person in a situation.  We cannot change adult behaviour necessarily, there will always be some sort of drama, but we can learn to avoid it with steps like these.



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TED:Ideas "The Key to Productivity is Tapping into your Flow State. Here's how."