Award Winning Service
Service Supported by Operational Excellence
Call Management Achievement Awards
This series of benchmarking award programs focus on customer relationship management, including processes like detailed information gathering, dispatching and specific call control.
Employee Achievement Awards
These various awards highlight our employees who have reached career milestones or received special acknowledgement for their achievements and contributions to the industry.
Workplace Achievement Awards
Our workplace achievement awards recognize our drive to provide a healthy work environment so our team can deliver a service worthy of a business of the year award.

Call Management Customer Service Awards
Our team prides itself on providing outstanding contact centre services, and we have the awards to prove it. Intercon Messaging recognizes and thanks our amazing employees, as we know it’s because of them that we bring these awards home.
CAM-X Award
The CAM-X awards program benchmark call centers using criteria focused on customer relationship management, professional call handling, detailed information gathering, dispatching and specific call control.
Award of Excellence
2024 Recipient
Award of Excellence Plus
2024 Recipient
Award of Distinction
2024 Recipient
NAEO Award
NAEO’s Superior Agent Service Award requires a level of service that considers the caller first in every aspect of the call. It’s about providing a customer service experience that highlights the caller’s issue as the most important consideration to the agent.
NAEO Emerging Leaders Award
2024 Recipient, Taryn Monteith
Hours of Service Awards
Jade Lauer
Loi Armstrong
Alicia Deans
Autumn Picklyk
Kristyn Thomson
Megan Likuski
Breanna Lindsey
Stacy Ruttan
Kayleigh Farrell
Rebecca Foster
Nicole Legassick
Leith Sather
Jacqueline Lazo-Poettcker
Serena North
Jhuvic Sangco
Shannon Koring
Nicole Coleman
Nadine Sans-Cartier
Gloria Hagen
Kathy Stout
Cheryl Bouchard
Alana Nikiforuk
Our team is working on achieving this award! Stay tuned!
Barbara Bradbury Mentorship Award
The Barbara Bradbury Pay It Forward Mentoring Award recognizes a leader within our industry who has made an incredible difference in the lives of others by supporting and encouraging them to develop new skills and maximize their potential.
Not only one but two Intercon Messaging employees have respectfully earned the recognition.
Nadine Sans-Cartier was recognized at the virtual 56th Annual CAM-X Convention and Trade Show.
Read Press Release >>Gloria Hagen was recognized at the 60th annual CAM-X Convention and Trade Show.
Read Press Release >>
Donald Swift Education Endowment
The Donald Swift Education Endowment (DSEE) recognizes an employee of a member organization who exemplifies the mission of CAM-X.
This award provides the opportunity for such an employee, who would otherwise not be afforded the opportunity, to attend a CAM-X conference and experience something that many of us take for granted.
Ryan Thomas was recognized at the 60th annual CAM-X Convention and Trade Show.
Tom Ryan Award
Pat Vos was awarded the Tom Ryan Award for Ethics, Integrity, and Quality Above All on September 22, 2011. The Ryan family created this award in 2001 in memory of Tom Ryan. Its purpose is to recognize industry leaders in the answering service and contact management industry whose companies are founded on principles of quality service delivery, ethical business practices, commitment to a progressive working environment, and contribution to the business and industry communities.
An Employee Recommended Workplace
The Employee Recommended Workplace Award recognizes workplaces with proven success in creating a healthy environment and one that supports employee well-being. The award, created by Morneau Shepell and The Globe and Mail, is the only award of its kind based entirely on employee feedback.
In 2019 and 2020, we were named an Employee Recommended Workplace through Morneau Shepell and The Globe and Mail.

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Let’s chat and see how we can work together to support your customer service or monitoring needs.