Intercon Insights Blog
Stay Safe, Stay Connected: How a Dispatch Monitoring Centre Supports Lone Workers
The critical support offered by a lone worker monitoring centre can be a lifeline in certain situations. This article aims to shed light on this crucial service and its significant role in ensuring your safety.
The Benefits of Monitored GPS Systems for Fleet Management
Effective fleet management is critical for any business that relies on vehicles and equipment in their day-to-day operations. An essential aspect of managing a fleet is the ability to track and monitor your vehicles and equipment in real-time. This is where GPS tracking technology comes in.
Enhance Safety for Lone Workers with Reliable Monitoring Solutions
Traditional approaches, such as outdated sign-in procedures and difficult-to-use lone worker systems, contribute to gaps in safety. Employees may forget to check in or neglect to remember to use safety devices, rendering these measures ineffective. However, better alternatives are accessible to you through a lone worker monitoring service.
Choosing the Right Lone Worker Solution
Not every industry or occupation has the same check-in procedures or utilizes the same type of monitoring tools. Here at Intercon Messaging, we offer a wide variety of capabilities and flexibility with our I.M OK Work Alone app that can easily integrate with most 3rd party GPS devices.
The Benefits of Using A Lone Worker Mobile App
Some know it as a lone worker app; others call it a man-down app or work alone system. No matter what you call it, an employee safety app can help keep field workers, technicians, and other employees safe.
The Value of a Vendor Partnership
Being an effective vendor-partner requires full engagement in a business relationship. Vendors and clients should equally participate in a mutually reciprocated collaboration. Being a committed vendor-partner is what truly sets the stage for a successful and productive long-term business relationship.
Protect Your Lone Workers with a Mobile Safety Work Alone System
At Intercon Messaging, ourur I.M. OK App enables lone workers to check in with a touch of a button through their mobile device. With continuous tracking and location features available, our monitoring center can locate employees if they require assistance or for any other reason.
Keep Your Employees Safe With Our I.M. OK Lone Worker Mobile App
The I.M. OK Work Alone App is more than just a monitoring service. In fact, it goes one step beyond hiring a telephone answering service simply because the App provides real-time tracking and prevents distractions when employees are driving — which can potentially reduce your liability in the event of an accident.
Flexible, Adaptable and At Your Service
The number one priority of Intercon Messaging is to be easy to do business with. Intercon’s core services include alarm monitoring and live call answering. They are here to help you stay organized and on top of things. And they can help to take the pressure off when things get busy or when you just need a break.
Is It Time to Take Your Business 24/7?
The first rule of business is to always be there when your customer needs you. But sometimes that’s not quite as easy as it sounds. People are busy and time is money. In today’s increasingly demanding marketplace your customer might decide he needs you at any time of the day or night at any time of the year.
An Automated System Compared to A Live Answering Service
As your business grows and the number of phone calls increases, you may find that you can’t handle the volume. A phone answering service may be just the ticket. Read on to learn about the difference between an automated and a live phone answering service.
What makes a good live call agent
There’s more to being a live call agent than simply picking up the phone. A skilled live call agent is a special kind of person who comes with a unique set of abilities and the right amount of training. In this blog hear from some of our front end staff on what goes into being a great live call agent.
A Behind the Scenes Look at Call Answering
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers: Behind the scenes at our answering service.
Taking Care of Business Means Taking Care of People
Whether you are running a global corporation or a corner store, your staff are your biggest asset. A core of good employees is the beating heart of any successful organization. This blog talks about what you can lose by not having the right protections in place.
Protect Your People While They Work Alone
As an employer you want to protect your people. It’s up to you to make sure that everything possible is done to ensure they can do their job safely. When it comes to lone workers that obligation comes with its own special set of challenges.
We Are The Oil and Gas Alarm and Lone Worker Monitoring Experts
At Intercon Messaging we know the oil and gas industry. Our operations are based in Drayton Valley, Alberta, about an hour’s drive southwest of Edmonton. We are at the heart of the Pembina Oilfield in beautiful Brazeau County. We have spent close to two decades working to help meet the needs of the petroleum sector both in Alberta and right across Western Canada.
Are You Ready for the June 1, OH and S Regulation Changes?
This is the biggest set of changes we’ve seen to the Occupational Health and Safety Act in a number of years. There are a range of updates, revisions and amendments which are likely to have an impact on just about every employer in the province in one way or another.
Put your Trucking Company in the Driver's Seat
There is no shortage of competition, and ever-tightening deadlines mean you always feel as if you’re in a race against the clock. At the same time you have to deal with rising operational costs for labour, for fuel, for insurance and, well, for just about everything you can think of. Add that all together and it can make fleet management feel like quite a balancing act.