Technology and Business Continuity

When it comes to technology, Intercon Messaging works to stay on the forefront of what's current. We utilize hardware, software and web-based tools developed by Amtelco, a leader in customized call center innovations. We continually update, upgrade and add enhanced features, enabling our agents to provide exceptional service and support.

The Amtelco Infinity technology provides numerous features and benefits to our customers, including on-demand account and agent analytics. In addition, we utilize industry-specific tools, such as web-enabled and text message services, allowing our agents to be efficient and effective in their communications.

Dependable and Reliable Technical Support

Intercon Messaging operates a 24/7 answering service and monitoring center, and as our client, you need to know you can rely on our system to be there when you need it most. Happily, you don’t have to just take our word for it. We have a number of safeguards in place, so you can be confident that when you need us, we will be ready.

We employ staff on-site and on-call to respond to any emergency or incident. In addition, support and maintenance contracts are in effect with all major suppliers of both software and hardware.

  • 24 Hour Amtelco Software & Hardware Technical Support

  • 24 Hour Micro Key Software Support

  • 24 Hour Internet & Network Support

  • 24 Hour 2-Way Radio Support

  • 24 Hour In House On Call Technical & Supervisor Support

Redundant Contact Centre Services

Consider dropped calls a thing of the past when working with Intercon Messaging. When it comes to availability, we are all in! We have invested in three separate levels of redundancy: power, telephony and data.

And because of this commitment, we have invested in our contact centre infrastructure, including power, internet, security and our physical facility.

We are always ready whenever you need us!

Contact Centre Server

Integrations for Communication Efficiency

We’ve come a long way from the days of the fax machine, let alone the telegraph or corded telephones, and things are evolving faster now than they ever have. The good news is that at Intercon Messaging, we keep on top of the latest developments in communications technology, so you don’t have to.

Over time, we have learned how to take the best in technology and transform it into solutions for our customers. Obsessing over planning, programming and launching the most reliable solutions, we have integrations for some of the most common applications, which provides our team with the capacity to customize solutions on demand. If there’s a way to meet your needs, no matter how creative it gets, we will try to find a way.

Intercon has always invested heavily in its systems and processes to ensure that we remain a leader in the industry. Our call center platform is a robust call management application that guides our agents through accounts, ensuring a positive customer experience and the best possible outcome for your caller.

We are well versed in the latest systems, and we can synchronize most major systems with our own. Being one of the first buildings in Drayton Valley to privately invest in fiber optic internet only emphasizes our drive and the importance of reliable service for our clients.

Phone Lines

Intercon Messaging utilizes two separate SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) connections to our provider. If one of these connections is to go down, it will automatically fail over to the other one. In the event of a phone network failure or maintenance outage, all circuits will failover to an external phone VoIP connection.

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Currently, we have three internet connections from different providers. Two provide fiber optic connections, and the third is a cable connection for stable, reliable and redundant internet. If our main connection fails for any reason, it will automatically fail over to the backup connection.

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Support & Resources

We employ staff on-site and on-call 24/7/365 to respond to any emergency or equipment failure. In addition, support and maintenance contracts are in effect with all major third-party suppliers of both software and hardware.

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Hardware & Software

We maintain spare parts and backup systems for everything that is critical to our daily operations. All client messages are stored, and databases are backed up multiple times a day. Voice-logged calls are stored for 90 days and then permanently deleted.

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Backup Power

Our site operates with UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) and automatically fails over to our backup natural gas generator in the event of a power outage. This ensures a seamless transition, and our generator is capable of providing power indefinitely in the event of an extended power outage.

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Repair & Maintenance

Our repair and maintenance schedules are designed to have a minimal impact on our clients. We plan for two outages a year for upgrading software and hardware when our call traffic is low. The average downtime of these outages is between 15-25 minutes.

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