The Wall
On an annual basis, the Human Resource staff at Intercon distributes their employee’s a quick and simple assignment that will bring personal reassurance to them all year round. Each employee is given a company employee list and is asked to write 2 or 3 nice things about all of their coworkers.
The HR department then takes all of the lists and combines them on one eight by eleven sheet of paper per employee, which is then displayed on a long hallway wall for all staff to see.
Some days, when you are feeling challenged or discouraged, it is a great gift to be able to glacne up at the wall and see that you are appreciated, and valued within your work place. Although your coworkers may not be your best friends, they are still a large part of your professional world. Reading a few optimistic comments about yourself, knowing these comments are the experiences your coworkers have of you can be a very rich and enlightening experience.
I believe that it is the small things like this that really let a company stand out, especially to the employees.
As an employee, I am thankful every day I have the opportunity to work within such a caring and light hearted environment. A little love goes a long way…..