COVID-19: Tips for Managing Anxiety

We may react with anxiety to things that are uncertain or potentially harmful.  We worry about our own health or the health of our loved ones, about school or work, finances, or our ability to take part in community and social events or hobbies, among other important parts of our lives.  If you already suffer from anxiety, you may feel it worsening from COVID-19 related events.  Be kind to yourself, it's okay to take extra time to manage your mental health.

Too much anxiety can start to cause harm.  Living in fear can lead to panic and cause panicked decisions that aren't necessary such as stockpiling or demanding a lot of tests.  Instead, we should learn to use the normal anxiety about COVID-19 to take positive actions like proper hygiene, isolating when sick and having a plan for isolation if it is necessary.  This article outlines reliable sources of information about the disease, advice on self-care and planning, as well as guidelines for understanding whether you may need to seek extra help or support if needed, and some resources to do so.

You can read the full article on the Canadian Mental Health Association’s website here.


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