The person next to you … (flashback part 2)
This is a poem I found hidden away in my employee folder. I honestly don’t remember when I received this or even reading it! However I am glad that I was able to “re-discover” it. It is a bit long, but I hope you still enjoy it.
Look Around You, Who Is the Person Sitting Next To You?
-Author Unknown
Look around you…
Who is the person sitting next to you?
The person next to you…
is one of the greatest miracles you will ever meet at this moment
- and the greatest mysteries.
The person next to you …
is an inexhaustible reservoir of possibility
with possibilities which have been only partially realized.
The person next to you…
is a unique universe of experience
seething with necessity and possibility
dread and desire, smiles and frowns
laughter and tears, fears and hopes
- all struggling to find expression
The person next to you…
…is surging to become something,
…to arrive at some destination,
…to have a story and a song,
…to be known and to know
The person next to you…
…believes in something…something precious
…stands for something
…counts for something
…lives for something
…labors for something
…waits for something
…runs toward something
The person next to you…
…is more than any description
…is more than any explanation
…is more, much, much more.
The person next to you…
is searching…
…for meaning
…for inner-peace
…for self-esteem
…for something they already have - they just have to realize that
The person next to you…
has problems and fears, just like you
…wonders how he or she is doing
…is often undecided, disorganized and painfully close to chaos
- but endowed with great toughness in the face of adversity, able to survive the most unbelievable difficulties and challenges.
The person next to you…
…has something he or she can do well
…something she or he can do better than anyone else in the whole world
…has strengths they do not even recognize
…needs to talk to you about those abilities
…needs you to listen
…but do they dare speak them to you?
The person next to you...
…needs a friend
…wants to be a friend
…can comfort you
…can care for you
…can understand you
…and love you.
Isn’t that what you want?
It’s what they want.
The person next to you…
is a special human being
…and so are you!
You will want to get to know this person!
I think this is a great reminder that people are a combination of the experiences and of the people they have met in their lifetimes. You never know what great things you may uncover with each person you interact with!