Answering Services | Intercon Messaging Inc

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A Calm, Professional Voice In The Storm

During these troubled times let us help provide the calm in the storm.  Intercon Messaging, a telephone answering service, has been providing calm professionalism during the many storms of the globe for over 23 years.  Our long-term strategy has been to calm your storm, whether during a business transition, a time when you were growing like crazy and could not manage workloads, or during a time when your receptionist is out of the office handling other priorities.  Having us to help you “ramp up” to “keep up” ensures your customers are greeted professionally and know their call is very important and hang up knowing how the call will be handled by when.

This storm too shall pass, but we are here for you.  If you need to outsource your workload, have us provide tier one or tier two support, we are experienced professionals.  If all you need is your telephone answered when you are not available anytime 24/7/365; that is our specialty.  We will communicate your messages to you in the way that works best for you.

From 2009 to 2014 our average revenue per client increased by more than 40%.  Depending on the industry you are in and your business cycle you may be in the rapid expansion phase and we can help.  A professional telephone answering service will provide your client with their first impression of your business.  If your callers are still people whose first habit is to pick up the telephone to reach you, having a friendly professional response will most certainly set the tone for a future business relationship.  With the monthly average cost of a telephone answering service and the average revenue per business transaction that results from each call, one missed transaction may easily cover the cost of a telephone answering service for several months.  I asked one of my clients what the value of a missed call might be and she said some of their calls were over two hundred thousand dollars.  

Regardless of your current business state, whether overwhelmed or shrinking based on your industry every phone call to a business is potential revenue.  Consider hiring a professional after-hours answering service to ensure that every opportunity is capitalized on.

Our team at Intercon Messaging are members of relevant industry and trade associations, the Canadian Call Management Association (CAM-X), the National Amtelco Owners Association (NAEO), and the Association of Teleservices International (ATSI). These organizations provide many resources that we have the opportunity to benefit from.   

Education is our highest core value at our telephone answering service.  We educate our people to keep up to date with the best technical skill training available in our industry.  This may be in-house via webinars, go to meetings, and Zoom. Intercon invests significantly in off-site education through our industry and trade association’s conferences, coaching seminars for supervisors and summer series technical training.  These educational opportunities are all made available to us by CAM-X, NAEO and ATSI.  

In 2017 the Globe and Mail in partnership with Morneau Shepell initiated an Employee Recommended Workplace Award.  We attended a Conference Board of Canada Workplace Wellness seminar in 2018 where we were introduced to the opportunity to enter the Employee Recommended Workplace awards program.  We entered and were selected as a winner in 2019, and have been selected again in 2020.  Intercon’s ability to have the type of workplace that would meet the criteria to be selected for this award has been a journey of several years of teaching soft skills including personal responsibility.  In our workplace, we have no place for blame and teach employees during regular staff meetings that their life is the sum total of their choices to date.  We teach people they always have a choice.  Inaction is a choice.  Indecision is a choice.  As our collective team learns to make different choices and experience more of their desired outcomes their self-confidence grows, and their ability to be a better employee improves.  Our telephone answering service is reaping dividends from continuous education whether in technical skills or in soft skills.

In summary, the potential benefits of an after-hours answering service to you may be:

  1. You may find that making sure every call is answered helps you increase your revenue over time, possibly significantly.

  2. The excellent after-hours answering service and related dispatch provided by Intercon Messaging may free you up to meet more potential clients and increase your number of business transactions.

  3. If you just need a couple of days off, we have the experience to answer your calls and handle them to meet your specifications.

Final words: telephone answering services position themselves to be your vendor partner and want to help you grow your business through a professional long-term partnership.  Intercon still does business with clients we bought when we purchased this business 23 years ago.